The Best Type of Pre and Postnatal Exercise

I thought I’d write about something quite controversial this week, which is what I deem to be he BEST (and by the best, I mean the most effective) type of pre and postnatal exercise that you can do in order to see lasting, longterm results. Because I get asked about it a lot. 

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Exercise You Enjoy

If you hate HIIT workouts, don't do them. If you feel intimidated at the gym, you don't have to train there. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. If you love group exercise, or training solo, if you love yoga or strength work or something completely different…it's all movement and it's all good for you. Enjoyment really is key when it comes to exercise - something which has a big influence on my next two points!

Exercise You Can Fit Into Your Life Regularly

I meet many people who tell me they're “all or nothing”. This is something I try really hard not to roll my eyes at - but can't help it. When did “all or nothing” seem like a good idea regarding any aspect of our lives? Let me reassure you…it isn't! Small, sustainable habits which you can build into your daily / weekly routine are what will make a difference. By doing something regularly, you'll see results. That's the long and short of it! I posted an Instagram Reel earlier today about this which you might enjoy (go on, have a look…I made it for your entertainment!)

Exercise That Makes You Feel Good

If anyone asks me why I exercise, my answer is always “because it makes me feel good”. There's no doubt about it. The endorphins you get after (and they do come, even if it doesn't feel like they will during the workout!), but also having a body that feels strong, that can move without pain, that can get through daily life without getting injured…those are the main reasons why I exercise. If you find something that makes you feel good, you can guarantee you'll see a plethora of results.

If you haven't worked it out already, my message here is that consistency is key. And you're more likely to be consistent if you enjoy the exercise you choose to do and if you make it work around your lifestyle. Even better, if you choose a form of exercise which makes you feel good afterwards, and which you can see many benefits from…then you'll no doubt see brilliant longterm results.


Unfortunately, there's no magic pill or quick fix when it comes to exercise, even if the internet tries to promote that sometimes (and believe me, that's when I also roll my eyes). Try not to overwhelm yourself with fancy training routines and fitting something in every day. Do something when you can, and try to do that each week. Once it becomes part of your life, it gets easier, I promise!


I'm always here to chat if you need advice about where to start!


Preconception and Exercise


Preconception Nutrition