The Truth About Pre and Postnatal Exercise

I want to talk about why I created Natal Fit and how I want to make sure it's a platform that women can trust when it comes to exercising before, during and after pregnancy.

As a Personal Trainer working specifically in women's health, many of my clients have either had children, become pregnant during their time training with me or are thinking about having children one day.

Despite it being such a huge part of many women's lives, I was surprised to find there was a lack in information, support and guidance out there when it comes to exercise during the pre and postnatal period.

I also completely understand that Personal Training in the traditional sense (i.e. one-to-one with a trainer) is not always a possibility when it comes to time and money for many people, especially when on maternity leave.

The thought that many women were going through a huge, important transition in their lives, without much guidance as to how to navigate the changes they are facing, because they weren't able to have access to a qualified trainer did not sit right with me.

Also, with more of us working from home these days, along with the time restraints many we face in our daily lives, I appreciate it is not always people for people to commit to attending a weekly class or commuting to and from the gym.

Natal Fit's Mission Statement

“To offer safe, effective and adaptable fitness programmes specially designed for pre and postnatal women”

Whether you're new to pregnancy or you already have a little one, we have professionally designed workouts to suit your body and fit around your schedule. All of them can be followed from the comfort of your home, at any stage of pregnancy, with no expensive equipment necessary.

Our PT-led workouts range from 15-30 minutes long, covering strength, flexibility, mobility, cardiovascular training and much more. With 4 workouts to access each week, you'll build a library of safe, targeted fitness videos that can be used as and when you feel like it or as a progressive training programme with set goals.

So if you're at a point in your life where you feel you need guidance on how to exercise safely and effectively, at a fraction of a cost of Personal Training, Natal Fit could be a perfect fit for you.

I'm always happy to chat further if you're unsure as to whether our workouts are what you want and need. Plus there's a free taster here on our website that you can try anytime!


How to look after your body during pregnancy


How To See Progress In Your Exercise Routine