Where to start with exercise after having a baby

Something I talk to a lot of women about is how it can be confusing and worrying when it comes to returning to exercise after having children - which is totally understandable.


Your body has just been through an enormous process of carrying a baby, birthing a baby and now you have to look after your baby (plus do whatever other life responsibilities you have) - how on earth do you find time to exercise? 


And even more than that, what sort of exercise are you meant to do after experiencing all of the above?


I often speak to women who are really want to start exercising and get themselves into a routine after having children, but they have no idea where or how to start.


So I want to help and have listed my 3 main pieces of advice below.


Start small

Try not to overwhelm yourself with a big daunting exercise routine that you can't imagine ever sticking with. Simply start with something small. Bitesize chunks of movement that you can fit into your day when you have a few minutes are brilliant. From doing your Pelvic Floor exercises whilst you're waiting for the kettle to boil, or spending 5 minutes stretching your back which feels stiff after doing the night feeds, to going for a gentle walk around the block when the baby naps in the pram. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking - the aim is to just move regularly and in a way which makes you feel good. Start with building small habits and you can look to increase things from there when you're ready.

Get yourself a plan

There is tons of free information out there for Mums when it comes to exercise ideas, tips for fitting in exercise around your commitments and general advice for postnatal training. (Just a note - I post lots of my own content designed to help you over on Instagram and my blog which is always there for you to read and implement). Having some sort of plan when it comes to scheduling your exercise for the week and having a suitable routine to follow for your specific needs is a game changer. Not only are you more likely to stick to it if you've planned it in, you're also more likely to see results when you're following a consistent and progressive training program. Going it alone may seem like a good idea at first, but having someone to help or guide you along the way can have a huge impact on your overall motivation and success rates. So find a plan that you like the look of and stick with it. You'll see results in no time.


Remove any pressure

This links back to starting small and I always encourage the women I speak with not to put so much pressure on themselves. I remind them how they need to put things in context and look at the bigger picture sometimes. You've recently had a baby, your life has been turned upside down, your routines, responsibilities and needs have changed. It's totally understandable that your exercise routine is non-existent at some point. So try not to be too hard on yourself. Take a step back, think about what you could start doing, what you'd like to start doing, and find a way that you can start doing it which doesn't stress you out or make you feel like a failure if you can't stick to it. I always remind people that the best kind of exercise is one which you can do regularly and which you enjoy. Taking the pressure off and taking small, manageable steps - one day at a time - are what will make the difference.

I hope this has helped you realise that firstly, you're not alone when it comes to being unsure how or where to start with exercise after having a baby. I speak to so many women about this and they all have the same concerns. Secondly, I hope it has given you the confidence that you can start exercising without committing to a daunting new routine. There are fantastic pre and postnatal specific exercise programs out there and you know I'm always here for a chat if you ever need a point in the right direction. 


You don't have to be a client to get in touch with me, I'm always here for a chat and if talking to me for a few minutes give you the confidence to get started with something, then I will be very happy!


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