3 Tips That Will Help You Fit Exercise Into Your Day

Do you find it near enough impossible to fit exercise into your life? With busy work and home lives, lack of time is one of the main reasons I hear when it comes to people telling me why they don’t exercise. However, it doesn’t have to be that way - I promise. We all have obstacles we need to navigate around when it comes to fitting things in which we need and want to do, so I am here to help you find a way of fitting exercise into your hectic schedule.


  1. Look at your plans for the week ahead. Where can you see a gap (no matter how small), that you could possibly fit in some exercise? I know it's in there somewhere, it's up to you to find it and/or potentially move some things around to create it. It might mean getting up half an hour earlier, putting aside some time on your lunch break, sitting down with your partner to tell them you need some you-time at some point in the day, or even sacrificing an episode of your favourite Netflix show once the kids are in bed. Whatever you have to do, you need to look ahead in the week and find that feasible slot

  2. Once you've found when you could exercise, you need to decide how long you can realistically commit to it. Now don't go planning hour long workouts which will ultimately stress you out when trying to fit them in (you may find that you end up throwing in the towel after a week or two). I'm talking about setting yourself a goal which you know you can achieve and most importantly - stick to. Got 10 minutes free at lunch time? Awesome. A 10 minute workout, completed every 1-2 days, would be a great start to increasing your exercise regime and seeing results. You don't need to go crazy and commit hours at a time. Small, sustainable steps lead to big changes in the long term.

    3. So you've found your weekly slots, you've decided how long you can commit and now you have one final task to complete regarding your exercise. You need to make it fun! Trust me, finding a form of exercise you enjoy is the best piece of advice I can give you. Not only does it make the overall idea of exercising less daunting, but enjoyment leads to sustainability, which leads to longterm habits which lead to results! If you hate HIIT classes but love Yoga, find a 10 minute yoga flow you can do each day and stick with it. If you love weight training, great - do a 10 minute Kettlebell workout, but if you hate weights (also fine!), but love walking - get your shoes on and get outside. Like most things in life, we stick with them if they make us happy. Exercise is exactly the same. Yes we need it to stay healthy, but if we can enjoy it at the same time, the benefits are paramount.

They may seem simple, but I promise you that these 3 tips will make exercise much easier to prioritise in an already busy daily routine.

Go on…give them a go. You have to start somewhere and I know you can do this!


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