5 Benefits Of Exercising At Home

The fact is, finding motivation when we are stuck at home is hard, I definitely feel that too. And if you have children to care for and keep entertained, it's difficult to find time to do things for yourself. I find this is especially true when it comes to making time for exercise (something I also talked about in a recent blog, which if you missed it can be viewed here).

What I wanted to talk to you about today is the BENEFITS of working out from home.

Even without a pandemic keeping us here, there are loads of reasons why it actually might be a better option for people in the longterm. 

 I'm hoping that reading the points below will help you realise how being home can be used to your advantage, and how online workout programs like Natal Fit could be the exercise option that suits you in future

Natal Fit Advanced - Mobility - Week 1-low.gif

1. Time

Do you remember how long you used to spend commuting to and from the gym to take part in your weekly exercise class? That alone probably added an extra hour to your day. Working out from home immediately eradicates that commute. No more leaving the house at the crack of dawn to get in the gym before work, or arriving home late because you did an evening spin class, or not being able to fit in your planned training session to because your day ran away with you. Exercising at home means that when you're finished, you can shower and crawl straight into your pjs if you so wish. My point being, home exercising saves you so much time. You do your workout and that's it! No more dead-time driving to and from a venue. You've potentially gained an extra hour into your day and that's surely a good thing.

2. Money

That gym membership you didn't really use is no longer going to waste and you're not having to fork out big payments to block book in for your favourite class - some of which you may have to miss due to reasons out of your control. There are many home workout options like Natal Fit, which are flexible when it comes to a monthly payment (i.e. there's no contract so they can be cancelled whenever). Also, the beauty of on-demand workouts means that you can do them when you have a free spot during your day. No one is tying you down to a specific time and place at an expensive cost. We live in a time of convenience and flexibility, and that's what online workouts at home can certainly offer you.

3. Convenience 

As a parent, you may find that sometimes you just can't make it to the gym when you're on childcare duty. Especially when you have a baby and you have to plan around nap times and feeding times and take a big bag of necessities with you. Similarly, you don't know how your baby is going to be feeling that day - they might cry all throughout your session which means you can't give the workout as much focus as you'd like. Being at home means that you and your baby can be in an environment you feel comfortable, you can plan your workout around both of your needs that day and also - you can pause the workout at any time. A great convenience of exercising at home!

4. Sustainability

I often say to people that 'the type of exercise that you can still see yourself doing in a year's time is type of exercise you should do'. Of course, during pregnancy and then as a Mum, your needs and also your availability for exercise will likely change at regular points in your life, especially when your children are young, so perhaps your exercise routine will look different in a year's time. The point is, there's no point trying to start a really intense, time-consuming, expensive and (potentially) unenjoyable training plan which you think you ‘need’ to do to see results. I guarantee you, long-lasting results come from consistency, and consistency comes from habitual lifestyle changes. So if you find a way of exercising now that you enjoy, which you know you can maintain around whatever life throws at you, then sustainability of said exercise is going to be much easier. Working out from home is doable around all sorts of plans, schedules and budgets, which is why it can be the most sustainable option for many people. 

5. Results

As I've already said, consistency equals results. It's as simple as that. The above 4 points are reasons why home workouts can lead to consistency in your exercise regime. They aren't complicated or fancy, they aren't some exciting new training routine which will get you fast results in 28 days (and also most likely not allow you to sustain said results). These are simple yet effective benefits of home workouts, which - if made us of - could really rejuvenate your workout routine and help you create something that you can maintain for a very long time.


As you can see, there are many benefits to home workouts and I hope the points above have given you pause for thought when it comes to looking at this time at home in a more positive way!



I’m Not A Mum But You Can Trust Me


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