3 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing as a Mum
How are you today? It's been lovely and sunny where I live recently and I don't know about you, but nice weather always makes me feel SO much better. The sun makes all the difference to my mood and I find myself feeling more positive and hopeful when it makes an appearance!
That got me thinking about how whilst the weather is something that is out of our control, there are many things in our lives that we do have influence over when it comes to improving how we feel.
I know that as a Mum, so much of your time is spent caring for others that it can be easy to forget about your own wellbeing. And although making sure your children are happy and healthy is of course a priority, it is still so important to make sure that you are too.
So I wanted to highlight a few very simple things that you can do to improve your wellbeing this week. Even if you don't implement them straight away but are more conscious of them after reading this email, then that's a positive start. These things can take time to work into your lifestyle before they become a habit, but as I always say - small steps done consistently are what really makes a difference.
Schedule in some time for you.
I know it's not easy to find time for yourself when every waking moment seems to be filled with something that needs to be done. From childcare to housework to a day job, finding time for you most likely falls to the bottom of your list, am I right? Well, it doesn't have to be that way. I bet there are a few minutes somewhere that you can put aside for yourself. Perhaps it will be a few minutes reading a book you've been trying to finish for ages, or a half-hour slot to do a workout, or a chance to get outside for a walk with a podcast whilst the baby naps in the pram. Try to look at your week objectively and find somewhere that you can schedule in dedicated ‘you time’. You may not think it, but looking after number 1 is just as important as everything else on your to-do list.Move your body daily
My main piece of advice when it comes to exercise is finding something that you enjoy, which you can do sustainably. So if committing to an hour-long exercise class every day just isn't feasible that's OK (I don't think many people could commit to that to be honest!). Basically, you don't need to be ‘all or nothing' - in my experience that kind of thinking tends to set you up for failure from the beginning. Simply focus on movement every day. Perhaps you have time for 5 minute stretch, a 10 minute walk or maybe a short workout now and again. Whatever movement you choose, I promise your body and mind will thank you for it.Be kind to yourself
This is something I think we could all work on. It's too easy to be hard on ourselves for not achieving enough some days, for feeling down when we know we have lots of reasons to be grateful, for not sticking to our workout plans or eating as healthily as we'd like to. It's important to remember that we are human and not every day is going to be our best. And that's OK. Practising self-compassion and reminding ourselves of the positives is important. It's too easy to dwell on negativity and focus on what we haven't achieved, when for the most part we are doing pretty well, so don't forget that.
The points above may seem like stating the obvious, but you'd be surprised how many of us don't do any of them at all. I meet so many people who think they need to drastically overhaul their lives to be healthier and happier, when really they just need to make a few small changes.
So which one(s) are you going to try this week?
Let me know, I'd love to hear from you!